Tooth Decay Risk Reduced by Fluoride but Still Epidemic

Tooth decay risks have significantly been reduced with the introduction of fluoride in water supplies or when necessary prescription strength fluoride toothpaste. Still, tooth decay has recently been deemed a public health crisis epidemic. The reasons for this are numerous. Sometimes it is the fear of dentistry that keeps people away from 2 annual dental visits each year that would otherwise prevent tooth decay. Other times, it is the lack of funds to cover dental expenses. Still, other times it is simply lack of awareness that oral health through proper tooth brushing, flossing and semi-annual check-ups are crucial for protecting oral health and drastically limiting dental expenses over the course of a lifetime when compared to improper dental regimens.

This crisis can shift with simple strategies that individuals can choose to employ, including:

In the end, it is important to discuss the availability of fluoride in your city’s water department with your dentist and to have your teeth properly evaluated to identify possible needs for additional flouride, as well as, any improvement required in your own dental hygiene program to optimize your oral health.

If you are interested in general dentistry or cosmetic dentistry, contact Austin Dental Spa.